Top Ten Productions presents...
C.J. Morgan and Jack Bullard have more in common than being married to each other; the husband-wife team both work as award-winning, world-class, professional celebrity impersonators; Jack is a dead-ringer for film icon Jack Nicholson while C.J. is a Dolly Parton Tribute Artist. Together, they wrote the book 'DAILY DOUBLES 2 - Celebrity Impersonators.'
The book - and their presentation - tells what it is really like to be in this fascinating and unique business and answers some of the curious, often funny, sometimes personal questions people ask regarding their rather unusual career choices.
Light-hearted and fun, their customized, interactive presentation delights crowds with their stories, a meet & greet/photo session afterward and they share a positive message about the value of finding - and being - and believing in - yourself.
- From Hollywood to Dollywood -
Looking for speakers for your next event?
"As motivational speakers, surprisingly on-target with their observations...and I thought it was the real Jack...I'm still not sure it wasn't!" - J.P. Towner, Lenoir City, TN
"Fun, funny and very relevant....One of the most unusual presentations I've seen....excellent!" - Paul Herran, Nashville, TN
Copyright 2019, all rights reserved
'Double Trouble;
The Life of a Celebrity Impersonator'
“This was one of the best shows DIME-3 Community has ever had. I really enjoyed it and so did all of the audience!” - Marion Ainsworth - Manager, Desert Inn Mobile Estates, Las Vegas, NV
"Our participants gave them the highest scores possible as far as feedback." - Bi'nai Cutler, Knoxville, TN
What others are saying....
"They provided a fun break for our annual meeting and tailored their presentation to something our company is going through right now; change." - R. Hoschstetter, Tabbot ETI
"After an exhausting year, we wanted to reward our employees with something uplifting for our annual awards dinner, letting them know how much we appreciated them...We couldn't have chosen better. These two nailed it. Our group was entertained and they perfectly addressed our theme of 'Celebrate YOU! " - C. Peterson, TBR800 Inc.
"Interesting and enjoyable.... a glimpse ‘behind the scenes’ with great audience interaction...held my attention and would recommend them...." - Pat Scheringer, NY, NY
"Part performance, part motivational presentation, always entertaining..."
“Our fund-raising dinner was a great success because of this extremely likeable, exciting couple. They remind me of that old ‘I Love Lucy’ show…” – Mrs. R. Williams, Nashville, TN
"Let us help energize, entertain and enlighten your guests." - Jack Bullard